
“This book is marketed as dark comedy, and it’s perfectly on the mark; I was laughing out loud from the top of page two. I think the comedy was probably my favorite thing about this book, in fact- because the horrifying plausibility of the plot would be a little much to handle without the humor…{ Read full review}

-Paula – Reading Lark

“2020, a post apocalyptic family set in Portland, Oregon where the cast of characters is rich, witty and tangible. Sophie Cohen and her husband Bertrand are dealing with the inevitable issues of disease, starvation and safety. Sophie and Bertrand’s relationship, although emotionally strained, has one focus and that is to keep their surviving family members safe. They live on the 11th floor of a high rise with their teenage daughter Sasha and Sophie’s mother Lulu-who seems to be unaffected by this new world….”{ Read full review}

-Jessi Buchmann, Luxury Reading

“…A bleak world about a family trying to cope. It has this certain feel to it, bleak yet so normal. Many apocalyptic books are awesome, but in the end they are just so freaking big. So much happened, the world has changed too much. Here it feels like this could happen. A supervolcano would just have to explode and that would send ripples through out the world. This is how people would try to get by.{ Read full review }

-Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell

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