Finding Common Ground

by anne on March 5, 2017

I fear, not necessarily in order of importance, global warming, the growing divide between the rich and poor, nuclear meltdown, water shortages, the ever-increasing anger that Mother Nature is throwing at us, fundamentalism of every stripe…To say nothing of personal fears: Alzheimer’s, my children living far away, my becoming more of a chocolate chip cookie junkie, getting hugely fat so that I have to be hoisted on a lift from the couch to the bed. Unfortunately, I’m limited in my number of words here or I could go on and on. How can anyone have more fear than I do?

When Paul Ryan tells me that God doesn’t want women to use birth control the best I can do is not hate. Telling myself that this is just someone who has come from a different set of circumstance than I and reached different conclusions is fine, except for the fact that people like him might just be setting policy for women’s bodies soon. I’m perfectly okay with his wife not using birth control, never having an abortion. If, according to him, I’m committing a mortal sin, can’t I just go to Hell? Why isn’t that enough?

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